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Career Resources Center

The Valerie A. 戴维森职业资源中心在博彩网址大全提供职业 教育和个性化服务的学生和校友理查德A. Chaifetz School of Business.

Undergraduate Students

查菲兹商学院致力于指导我们的本科生走向成功, both now and after graduation. The Career Resources Center is here to help you start 你的自我探索过程与你的专业发展有关. To help undergraduates 定义和实现他们的职业目标,中心提供一系列的学生支持服务.

Individual Advising

CRC staff are available to assist you throughout your program. Through personal appointments, CRC staff can assist you with:

  • Deciding on your business school major
  • 通过校园活动和志愿者工作来充实你的简历
  • Internship search and preparation
  • Networking planning and preparation
  • Job search and interview preparation

中心工作人员目前正在与学生进行一对一的虚拟会议.  Schedule a meeting with a staff member using Navigate 360 using the following steps:

  1. 转到屏幕右上角的“预约”.
  2. Appointment Category: Career Services
  3. Where do you want to see someone? Career Resource Center - Richard A. Chaifetz Business School
  4. Add your reason for visiting, then hit Next.
  5. 地点:选择你喜欢的虚拟或面对面(职业资源中心)
  6. Choose who you would like to meet with, then hit Next.
  7. From here, go on to choose a day and time that works best for you.

Schedule an Appointment

Job Search with Handshake

Handshake 博彩网址大全的招聘资源,可以让你研究公司吗 以及职业信息,以及在线查看职位描述和申请工作. Registration is free.

Search Jobs and Internships on Handshake

BIZ 3000 Career Foundations Course

每个商科本科学生都要完成职业基础课程, 旨在教授和发展学生所需的技能:

  • 确定并选择合适的商业专业和职业道路
  • 自信地推销自己,建立人际关系,获得实习机会并获得成功 a post-graduation position
  • 通过自我反思和体验式学习,实现个人和专业的成长

通过在线模块,体验式课程,活动出席和作业,学生 是否会主动为自己的职业生涯做好准备,并在毕业时具备终身所需的技能 career development.

Internship Program

实习是与学生专业或职业相关的工作或服务经历 goal. 实习允许学生在专业环境下的监督下工作 of practicing professionals. Internships can be paid or unpaid, and the student may receive academic credit. Completing an internship is one of the best career development experiences for an undergraduate student before graduation.

Steps to secure and complete an internship:

  • 与CRC实习协调员会面,讨论实习目标和机会. 要预约实习协调员,请访问导航360 your My博彩网址大全 Tools page.
  • 回复雇主发布的实习信息,或者直接联系雇主,看看他们是否需要 have an internship opportunity.
  • Confer with your assigned faculty sponsor.
  • 与实习现场主管就工作目标达成协议 一旦你获得了实习机会,你的表现期望是什么.
  • Complete 120 hours total over the semester.
  • 在实习正式完成后,最多可获得三个小时的学分 coordinator.

建立专业的商业关系对任何成功的事业都很重要. 我们为您提供了许多连接和开始建立业务的机会 relationships while completing your business degree. As one of the oldest business 在密西西比西部的几所学校中,chaaifetz学校受到高度的尊重和联系 in the St. Louis business community.


  • 博彩网址大全 Connections: 博彩网址大全的校友顾问平台-从校友那里获得职业建议和指导,回顾 alumni profiles and schedule a networking meeting with a 博彩网址大全 alum.
  • 活动:每学期,我们提供雇主信息表,信息发布会, networking events and career fairs.
  • 志愿服务:我们提供各种方式参与社区和校园活动. Contact us to learn more.

Graduate Students

Your success matters to us. We have the resources to help you achieve your goals. 今天就行动起来,看看职业资源中心能帮到你什么.

Individual Advising

Your experience in the Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business prepares you for a variety of roles in the business community. Whether you are looking to make a career transition 或者利用研究生教育来推进你目前的职业,专业人士 the CRC are available to support your career development.

You can schedule a meeting with your career counselor using Navigate 360.

Job Search with Handshake

Handshake博彩网址大全的招聘资源,可以让你研究公司吗 以及职业信息,以及在线查看职位描述和申请工作. Registration is free.

Search Jobs and Internships on Handshake 


Who you know can make all the difference in your career. Building professional business relationships is a core value in any successful career. There are ongoing opportunities 让你在这里建立联系并开始建立你的商业关系 School. 作为密西西比河以西最古老的商学院之一,查菲兹商学院 School is highly respected and connected in the St. Louis business community.


  • 博彩网址大全 Connections: 博彩网址大全的校友顾问平台-从校友那里获得职业建议和指导,回顾 alumni profiles and schedule a networking meeting with a 博彩网址大全 alum.
  • 活动:每学期,我们提供雇主信息表,信息发布会, networking events and career fairs.
  • 志愿服务:我们提供各种方式参与社区和校园活动. Contact us to learn more.


我们的校友知道,追求卓越和成功的承诺不会以文凭结束. 这就是为什么博彩网址大全提供校友职业管理工具和服务的原因 for life.


Develop a Career Plan

利用CRC的职业顾问来制定求职策略, refine your resume or improve your interviewing skills.


Job Search with Handshake

Handshake 博彩网址大全的招聘资源,可以让你研究公司吗 以及职业信息,以及在线查看职位描述和申请工作. Registration is free.

Search Jobs and Internships on Handshake

Connect with Fellow Alumni

博彩网址大全 Connections: 博彩网址大全的校友顾问平台-从校友那里获得职业建议和指导,回顾 alumni profiles and schedule a networking meeting with 博彩网址大全 alum.

Update Your Credentials  

了解由Chaifetz提供的最新研讨会和证书课程 帮助你在你感兴趣的领域获得额外的专业知识. Read more about our professional development offerings.

Share Your Knowledge and Resources  

职业资源中心全年都会举办各种各样的活动:小组演讲, fairs, mock interview sessions and round table discussions. The experience, background Chaifetz学校校友的见解是帮助我们学生的宝贵资源 develop. Contact Karl Aldrich, director of the Valeri A. Davisson Career Resources Center, at or 314-977-2327 for more information.

  • 自愿参加学生小组讨论、圆桌讨论或社交活动
  • Sign up as an alumni advisor on 博彩网址大全 Connections - 博彩网址大全校友顾问平台,从校友那里获得职业建议和指导,回顾 校友简介,并安排一次与博彩网址大全校友的网络会议.
  • 如果你的公司有全职或实习的机会,那么雇佣一个比利肯人 CRC可以发布该职位或安排校园面试.